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When God Shows Up

Most years in both the fall and spring semesters, Blue Mountain Christian University plans several days for a revival service for all students. A speaker is asked to come and class schedules are shifted to make room for the activities. But sometimes, the most amazing acts of God come where they are not planned and that is what happened at the most recent BMCU revival.

At Friday chapel on February 17, 2023, Dr. Tim Mims stood before the student body and called for revival. It was not a scheduled revival time, and no guest speaker was scheduled. However, God moved in the student body and called His people to respond. Students flooded the altar as chapel lasted long after the scheduled time for dismissal. From 10 in the morning until mid-afternoon, students stayed in the MLB auditorium to experience God’s working in their lives. Many students came to the front and shared their testimony, read scripture, prayed and shared what God had laid on their hearts. Through a joint effort with the Exalt worship leadership team, the group was led in worship even after chapel finished.

After several hours, the students disbanded midafternoon. Multiple times throughout the next week, students called for times of prayer and worship as they experienced the Spirit of God moving in their lives.

One of these student leaders was Caleb White. He stated that, “People have this idea about revival being the lost coming to Christ, but the purpose of revival is actually for the believers.” He emphasized the importance of believers experiencing this fresh work of God, and the fruit of this work being lost people drawn to Christ.

Speaking about the work he saw in students during the revival meetings, he stated, “God’s Spirit has truly been at work among the people here […]; it seemed like I saw the Lord bringing reconciliation and bringing about forgiveness in people’s hearts and lives.”

White was one of the student leaders who worked to continue the revival after the initial experience. He stated, “we have to be intentional about seeing revival continue […] and the Lord just put it on my heart, saying you know, there may not be all that many people join you, but you be faithful to me in trying to see the fire that I’ve began in your life continue, and try to spread that fire in other people’s lives as well.”

Here is the heart of the genuine renewal experienced by the students, faculty and staff of BMCU: to be faithful with the new things that God is doing on campus.



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