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The Buddy System

Are you a girl having a little trouble navigating your new campus and college life? Do not fret; you are in luck! This year, Dean Bulter has debuted a new big/little sister mentorship program. The faculty and staff at Blue Mountain Christian University are doing their best to make each student feel comfortable and have the best experience they can have here at college!


Being a new student in college can be difficult, with homework on top of the social aspect of student life as well. It can cause students to have a difficult time finding friends, focusing and even navigating campus. The big/little sister program was created so freshman and transfer students can have an upperclassman to whom they can go for guidance and help.


Dean Butler assigned every female freshman a senior sister. BMCU senior sisters have a lot of knowledge on campus and classes that they can provide to their little sisters. This provides stability and help to a freshman, allowing her to have to have the best college experience that she can. This big sister was hand picked based off of majors and overall interests in order to help create a stronger connection between the two. BMCU is centered around leadership, Christian community, and strong student bonds. That’s exactly what this program was made to do.


I conducted an interview with Dean Butler regarding the program and he was very open to giving me some information. The main question asked what the major goal was when it come to the big/little sister program, to which Dean Butler responded: “I want every student who comes to BMCU as a freshman to feel like that there is someone that they can lean on or turn to for advice. A lot of times they will come to a college environment without a support system, being in a sport or just don’t want to be in a society; in our case in this campus, considering the size and number of opportunities, our program is really more of front and center as well as a personal resource for everyone to plug in when they need someone.”


The big/little sister program, or “buddy system” as Dean Butler calls it, helps those new to the college experience, giving girls an easy way to connect with others along with feeling included and important to someone. Everyone deserves to feel like they have someone and to grow in their college experience. The friend you have been given is one that can help you grow as a student and as a person. It may turn out to be a friend you have for a lifetime.



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