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Students Lead at FCA

As the school year ramps up for the spring 2023 term, the campus chapter of FCA is planning an exciting semester of reaching out to student athletes for Christ.

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes “meets students where they are,” says Angel Wilson, a member of the FCA lead team. They have several ways they approach this goal, including having a student leader who purposefully invests in each athletic team and hosts Bible studies twice a month, states Wilson. These studies include a variety of activities that give students opportunities to connect and grow deeper spiritually. “We play games, have a time of worship, dive into the Word, then have small group time at the end,” says Wilson.

There are many opportunities for students to become leaders in the BMCU campus FCA chapter. Wilson states, “We are always looking to add people onto our lead team.” FCA focuses on student-led service and encourages students to lead their peers. States Wilson, “The way that we are different than other groups on campus is that most of us on the lead team are athletes […]. Our goal is to serve our friends and classmates and fellow athletes.” This focus on athletes serving their peers allows the FCA’s leaders to be uniquely suited to reaching students who may otherwise not be interested in listening to the gospel or plugging into a Bible study. Their model of leadership also encourages students to be purposeful in their investment in their friends.

The leadership of FCA chooses to focus on serving student athletes because “sometimes the athletes can be a little overlooked and overwhelmed,” states Wilson. She also stresses that FCA is seeking to serve other students as well, saying, “We want to be a light to the campus in any way we can – for athletes, but also any other student at BMCU.”

This year they have several events and activities planned, including “College Getaway in February,” which was “a weekend for all the FCA’s in Mississippi to come together for a weekend of worship,” says Wilson.

The Blue Mountain Christian University chapter of the FCA is looking forward to a semester of service and growth. When looking to the future, Wilson states that the FCA has one main goal, to “keep doing what the Lord has called us to do- make disciples.”



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