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Student Healers

As students settle into the new normal of the spring semester, nursing students at Blue Mountain Christian University are making history as the first class of prospective nurses to enter the program. This group will be the first to graduate from the BMCU nursing school and represent the university in the work force.

Because BMCU is a Christ centered campus, many of our students join their prospective fields out of a mission mindset. Nursing is no exception. An example of this is Emily Carr, who is one of the new nursing students. She states, “I actually never wanted to be in the medical field until I went on a medical-focused mission trip to Central America […]. I saw what just a little knowledge and skill could do. Promoting healing is a powerful tool for anyone to have in any capacity—physical, spiritual, or emotional. My hope is that, through obtaining this degree, I’ll be equipped to bring the hope of healing—in each of those three ways—to those who are currently living in hopelessness.” Helping students achieve this goal is a large part of the BMCU nursing program’s purpose.

The new program gives these mission-minded students the opportunity to reach their chosen field faster, and in a more streamlined route. Carr had planned to obtain two degrees before the nursing program became available. It has shortened her path. She states, “I was ecstatic when the news of the nursing program was released. The degree I wanted without the extra time in school? Yes, please!” Offering the ability to take nursing at BMCU allows our students to enter the workplace even faster, giving them the opportunity to utilize the skills learned in the nursing program in the real world.

Preparing students for the workplace is not the only goal of the BMCU nursing program, however. Above all, it is teaching prospective nurses to be a light for Christ in the healthcare industry. The BMCU nursing program is preparing mission-minded students to serve both the spirit and the body of each person treated. Says Carr, “I genuinely cannot imagine being in a nursing program that does not teach from a Christian worldview. There is a huge spiritual aspect to taking care of those who are hurting and vulnerable.” This above all is the purpose behind everything done at BMCU. The nursing program is not only preparing students to care for the physical bodies of those they serve, but also to pour into their lives spiritually in times of great need.



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