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Open Mic Night

The BMCU’s English club hosted an Open Mic Night for all BMCU students to come and express themselves creatively on March 7, 2024. The event was a full house. The English faculty's very own Dr. Nancy Kerns showed up to support the event as well as BMCU president Dr. McMillin.


The night started off with the Vice President of the English Club Baleigh Bray and President Courtney Coulter welcoming everyone to the first ever Open Mic Night. They took turns introducing students who had signed up to speak.

Most of the performances included some form of poetry, but one student, Loren Cross, took the stage to play some songs on her violin. Another did some improvisational speaking.


Courtney and Baleigh spoke and shared some of their work during the night. Toward the end of the night, Baleigh called for anyone in the audience who did not get a chance to participate to come up and share. Everyone that attended enjoyed their time at the open mic night either as a performer or audience member.


At the end of the night, Dr. Kerns thanked everyone for coming out and supporting the English club. She mentioned that students can major in English or even minor in English.

Baleigh Bray took the mic and ended the night with a joke referring to becoming an English Major as turning to “The Dark Side”. Certainly any one of the talented performers of the night would fit right in.




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