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Old Truth and a New Twist

Everyman just got a new face. Posters all over campus are announcing that our theater department is preparing to present Everyman 2.0, an updated version of an old classic, from September 30th to October 2nd at seven p.m. Both the message and style have been revised, and the play sports a new “steampunk setting” and a Biblically sound message. The director of the theater department, Mrs. Christi Mitchell, said that she “felt strongly about finding a play that had a really strong Christian message,” and the updated version of Everyman certainly fits the bill. “It really brings to light the gospel message, instead of the good works,” says Mrs. Mitchell. This is a radical change from the original, centuries-old play, which had little to do with a personal walk of faith.

The play is about forty minutes long and presented beautifully by a well-rounded cast. The first Everyman was not only theologically unsound, it also contained much “medieval […] old English,” which could make it difficult to connect with. However, Mrs. Mitchell says that the new version of the play will have no such difficulties, and the audience may look forward to seeing a show they can connect with on a spiritual level without formal language clouding the message.

The cast list shows thirteen actors bringing their talent to this production. Some of the characters portrayed are rather unusual, and include Death, played by Caley Sims; Good Deeds, played by Jenna Landers; and Messenger, played by Presley Marshall. The role of Everyman is held by Chloe Crider. The steampunk theme and setting of the play also gives it a new and interesting aesthetic, allowing it to appeal to a new and wider audience.

Mrs. Mitchell says the play will be produced in person with covid precautions. Such precautions allow the production to be enjoyed by audiences in person and gives the actors the chance to present their message to a live audience and see the impact it creates. This is a welcome return to in-person productions and a new development from last year, which required all plays to be virtual. The actors will also have transparent face masks, allowing the entire face of each individual to be seen. These improvements allow for the message of the play to shine through while encouraging public safety.

Everyman 2.0 is a new play for a new time. Updated to fit a new generation, this play conveys the truth about every person’s spiritual journey while bringing a new and fun twist with a steam punk theme. Blue Mountain College eagerly awaits the release of Everyman 2.0.



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