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New Year, New Spaces

The 2021-2022 school year at Blue Mountain College has brought in the college’s largest number of enrollment to date. With that, over three hundred students reside on campus in the numerous dorms and college lodgings. As BMC grows, so does its need for updates to the various living spaces across campus.

Since the previous school year, the college has made many updates and improvements to all five dorms—most notably Whitfield, the oldest women’s dormitory on campus. This summer, the society parlors in Whitfield received major renovations. The Eunomian, Euzelian, and Modenian parlors were each refurbished with brand new, modern style furniture and décor.

Ms. Cynthia Coleman, the resident director for Whitfield Dormitory explained, “The parlors and lobby were refurnished and decorated by Dean Ritchey and his wife, Stephanie. The goal was to keep the traditional colors and themes for each society while updating with some new modern touches.” The bright red carpet was removed in the Modenian parlor, and all of the hardwood floors were refinished. Whitfield also received new paint on the outside door, new outdoor sitting furniture, and some suites received new furniture to replace old, outdated fixtures.

Alongside Whitfield, the other student dormitories were updated in a few different ways as well. Dorm rooms in Cockcroft, one of the men’s dormitories, were newly painted, and the Resident Assistant office was also painted. New windows were installed in all of the rooms in the dorm.

In Stevens Dormitory, one of the women’s dorms, eight bathrooms were painted, and new flooring was installed in all of the guest rooms. The outside doors also received a fresh coat of paint.

The newest women’s dormitory, Mountain Village, got a few improvements as well. The deck area was given new outdoor furniture and a new deck cover that connects both sides of the dorm. Another addition to the area is a new silver sign with the dorm’s name on it.

Southplex Dormitory, the newest men’s dorm located a few minutes’ drive off of campus, had all of its dorm rooms painted and new dorm furniture placed in all of the rooms.

Though the dorms received extensive updates this past year, there are always plans for the future. Dean Ritchey explained that there are continuous plans to update the current furniture, paint where needed, and replace flooring in some of the dorms.

Blue Mountain College continues to steadily grow and change. Though many updates and improvements have taken place, the college still maintains its rich history and tradition in architecture, just with a few modern touches.



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