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Make Our Mark

All the class levels at BMCU are currently determining how to ‘make their mark’ on the campus. Each class is required to participate in a service project planned by the students. Class meetings were held to discuss what the projects would be, and each class decides how they want to serve the community or the campus. After the vote is held, the student leaders help put the service project in action. Decisions for which projects will be chosen are still pending.

Class projects are just one thing that allows students to “make their mark” on the campus by either helping out in the surrounding community of Blue Mountain or doing something to aid in improving the school itself. Ideas are asked for at the class meetings and all the students vote on which project they want to choose. The ideas always help out the community or college in some way. Sophomore class president Jacob Carter stated about his sophomore class’s project, “We are looking to use the money we have been granted and maybe even additional money that will be raised by donating it to a local church, organization, food pantry, etc.”

Each class decides which of the several ideas they get from their classmates is the best one and uses money given to them by the school to make those ideas a reality. They only have so much, so it is imperative to make a wise choice. It is an especially important choice for the seniors since it might be their last chance to “make a mark” on the BMCU campus.

Class projects are definitely not the only chance that students have to help out people at or near BMCU, as there are clubs and other organizations that volunteer to help the community. However, class projects are a way that students can “show our relationships with Christ through service and by helping others,” according to Jacob Carter. He states that since BMCU is unapologetically Christian, its love for others through Jesus should be, too. “Jesus helped others, so we should too,” he states.

Thus, whether doing a class project, club, other volunteer opportunity, or just by helping someone out, Christians make their mark by showing love both on or off campus.

“A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”

-John 13:34-35



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