Koinonia Women’s Bible Study

Throughout the semester the BMCU Koinonia (Koi-no-ni-a) will study and talk about the book Twelve Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur, and all BMCU female students are invited to join. The meetings happen every week at 1pm on Fridays. Each meeting is relatively short, only lasting about 30 to 45 minutes. Students are not required to buy the book to attend the meeting.
Each meeting will be at the bottom of the BSU building. The meetings start out with students picking a number out of a cup to find a seat at a table that matches the number they draw. Once 1pm hits, the Koinonia president greets everyone and introduces both the speakers and their topics.
After introducing the speaker, one of the chaplains will pray the over the meeting. The worship team will come and sing one or two songs. After the worship team is done singing, a council member will come and speak about one of the many women in the Bible.
Koinonia is a great opportunity to meet and worship with other women. If you are interested in joining or learning more about Koinonia, follow Koinionia on instagram @Bmcukoinonia or Facebook at Blue Mountain College – Koinionia.