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Home Traditions

The BMCU homecoming is an annual tradition that celebrates the history and family of the college. This year, the celebration received some updates, as new elements of the celebration were added. Kayce Bragg says, “This year we have combined efforts between the Community Relations Office, Student Services, Admissions, and the Athletic Department to plan the best event. This event will include alums, friends, family, and of course, our BMC students.”

Homecoming weekend included Family/Founders Day, as well as a sneaker ball on Friday night. Bragg states, “This year we are expanding the invite to include traditions, celebrations, and our student's families. This year we have uniquely connected our event to Founders Day, like reunions, student homecoming, and family day all in one!” These events also included the Blue Mountain alumni, who returned to campus to take part in the celebration. Bragg goes on to say, “We have invited several affinity groups to participate in reunions and society reunions.”

“Society [tables]” were one of the attractions for the alumni, and current students enrolled in a society were given the opportunity to meet past members and connect over their shared sisterhood. Another event with alumni and students was the donor banquet, where students on scholarship were given the opportunity to meet the donors who contributed to their education, and specifically to the scholarship that they received. Other events included several food stalls set up in the gym, as well as a stall selling apparel with the new Blue Mountain Christian University logo.

The entire event culminated in the homecoming court and basketball game. Each of the societies sent two members as maids or escorts, and then a homecoming king and queen was chosen from the student body. This year’s homecoming king was Charlie Meeks, and the homecoming queen was Kyra Howell. After the event, the men’s basketball team played for the stands of alumni and students.

Homecoming is a tradition that many schools have, but for BMCU, the event has a distinct purpose. Bragg reflects on the purpose of Homecoming for Blue Mountain, saying, “The purpose is fellowship. We want to plan a fun day for students, friends, and alums to come together and enjoy cheering on the toppers.” The weekend brings together students and alumni and unites them over their shared love of Blue Mountain. It is a unique opportunity for the campus to both remember its history and look towards its future. It is truly a time to come home.



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