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Fire Started at Blue Mountain College

On the 5th and 6th of October, Ed Newton preached a message of revival, lighting a fire in students’ hearts at Blue Mountain College. Overall, there were five students who gave their hearts to Jesus, 45 students who re-committed their lives to Jesus, and one student who surrendered to the ministry. It was relatively difficult to practice “social distancing” because of the amount of students attending the services. It was a great turnout for students, faculty, and staff.

Dr. Meeks asked Dr. Ed Newton to come to Blue Mountain College to deliver the word of God for revival. He usually preaches at Community Bible Church in San Antonio, Texas. The message that Dr. Ed Newton wanted the students to walk away with was, “In Christ we are no longer slaves and in Christ we are no longer orphans. In Christ we’re no longer beggars.”

Also, when speaking to a few students about their experiences of revival, there was nothing but positive feedback. Destiny Golden was upfront and honest when she said she had been running from God. She was at revival only to take notes for her roommate who sadly could not make it. She was not expecting to be set ablaze by Dr. Ed Newton’s powerful message. Golden said, “God's timing is funny; […] for the first time in a really really long time, I felt God.” She even gave some advice for those who are struggling as well: “Don't even try to run from or avoid God. […] He will meet you where you are, and when He does you will gain unspeakable joy and relief.”

Valerie Roberson was there for peace of mind and rejuvenation. She too was on fire for Jesus after Newton’s message, stating, “Dr. Ed Newton did not fail to deliver a powerful message that provided me with a reminder of God's everlasting love and the forgiveness of Christ Jesus.” Roberson understands that her God is always with her and His love will sustain her.

Jessica Neal also enjoyed her time during the revival. She was simply looking for a way to grow more in her relationship with the Lord. The burning message she walked away with was, “Your past and your current struggle are no longer what define you, but rather who God is and the love that He has shown you.” Needless to say, Blue Mountain College had a great revival this year.



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