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Fall Festivities

The Student Union Building (SUB) became the site of a Halloween carnival on Thursday, October 28th. Excited students made their way to the carnival in a variety of costumes, ready to forget about their work for a while and enjoy one another’s company in this festive atmosphere. With blacklights, dancing, and a costume contest, the night was one not easily forgotten.

The Student Body Association (SBA) had worked hard that day to transform the SUB into a carnival-like atmosphere. Upon arriving, the partygoers walked through the doors of the SUB into a tent, where they received their entry ticket and passed through the tent into the actual party area. To the left stood a balloon-dart stand, where students could lob two or three darts at a board covered with balloons and win a piece of candy for each popped balloon. The SBA had cleared the entire floor of the SUB, creating a perfect place for dancing to the upbeat tunes playing throughout the evening. A photo booth along one of the walls provided a space for the attendees to have their pictures made and entered into the costume contest, if they so chose.

As with any Halloween party, the costumes were a delight to witness. Carys Easterling, president of the Eunomian society, won the contest as a box of Crayola crayons. The runners-up in the contest were Josh Sturgis and Annie Lusby, a recently engaged couple who showed up as an elderly husband and wife. Other fantastic costumes included a wood-elf, complete with a leaf-covered cape and a mushroom crown (Kayla Ramage); a Mormon missionary, bringing with him The Book of Mormon (Hayden Hopper); and a Tyrannosaurus Rex, who turned out to be Logan Sweet dressed as Michael Jackson. The MCU represented itself well at the party, with several students appearing as: a Loki variant (Josiah Putnam), Scarlet Witch (Sarah Martindale), Spider-Man (Cayson Housley), and John Walker (Benjamin Anders).

The SBA had originally planned to have the party at the school’s intramural field, where each society would have had a booth dedicated to a specific activity such as face-painting. Due to rain that evening, however, the party shifted locations. Though disappointing for some, the new venue allowed for the incorporation of dancing, which many students enjoyed. The evening was overall a success, with students enjoying themselves in one another’s company and relishing the chance to pretend to be children again, if only for a night.



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