BSU Spring Conference, Blessed

The BSU Spring Conference took place during 21-22 February, and Blue Mountain Christian University’s students got to give God all of the glory. The theme of this year’s conference was “For the Harvest” because Christians are called to communicate the love of God to the lost, to guide them to the salvation that the Bible defines. Paul Worcester brought bountiful messages regarding mission work, and missionaries were sent out under the guidance that those provided. Between the worship sessions, the scripture searching, and the missionary highlights, two things were especially clear: Revival exists in a generation that much of the world deems to be dead, and that there is no better time to guide the lost to God than right now.
The highlight for this year’s conference is that BMCU provided seven summer missionaries to be commissioned for the mission work to come over the following summer. Loren Cross, Isaac Harting, Samuel Hopper, Lauren Milford, Logan Sweet, Kaylee Turner, and Brianna Wilder are the BMCU students that were among the over one hundred that stood on stage to be recognized for their commitment to Christ’s calling on their lives.
When asked about how she felt towards her mission trip to Anchorage, Alaska, Loren Cross shared that she is “so blessed to have this opportunity to serve and give glory to God over this summer.” She asks that readers pray that her team and she will have many opportunities for Gospel conversations to take place. Samuel Hopper is brimming with excitement towards his own mission internationally as well, stating that “[he] is really excited to see what God has in store for this summer.” Brianna Wilder unfortunately missed the conference due to sickness, but she had much to say regardless of attendance. “I’m so excited to go serve in a new environment and to grow in my ability to share the gospel,” is what she had to add.
Across the conference, frequent themes of a need for Christ along with an urging to put God at the forefront of all human lives were communicated directly to attendees. When letters were shown on the board of tribe leaders begging for missionaries to be sent to their locations, people grew in love for the lost, and could grasp just how badly they want to be led to salvation. With all of the missionary anticipation that has built, one thing is clear: This summer’s missions will be fruitful, and those seeds of faith that have been growing will surely be harvested.