Blue Mountain Christian University’s Baptist Student Union (BSU) attended the Spring BSU Conference on February 23-24, 2024. The conference encouraged attendees to consider who they are and what they are meant to do in the world. Chris James, the Pastor of Mill City Church in Lowell, Massachusetts, offered students an insightful message regarding what their purpose is according to God, along with a Bible based route to happiness. The conference also featured the Arey Hill Band, who led in a time of enthusiastic worship where music moved hearts. As part of the conference, BMCU students Jenna Landers, Lauren Milford, and Logan Sweet were also commissioned for their summer missions.
Chris James’ messages spanned a plethora of Bible verses to explain a person’s purpose, self-worth, and what brings happiness. James taught the audience that each person’s purpose is not something that happened by accident, meaninglessly, or arbitrarily. He explained that we exist to glorify God and worship him. He also emphasized that humanity can find all of their pleasures and joy in things of God rather than secular activities. When asked about how she was impacted by his words, student Amanda Baker said that “God has me in the place in my life exactly where He wants me to be.”
The Arey Hill Band offered the audience a vibrant, musical way to experience this glorification and joy. Vocals and instruments combined into something worth sharing, and each song added even more to the message that came before or after. As each song filled the air, the voices of the attendees combined into something beautiful in order to worship God. The sight of hands raised, eyes closed, and lifted praises all at once was a sight magnificent enough to move anyone. God was surely moving, and the room stuffed full of believers proved that with their expressive power.
Another topic of emphasis during the conference was summer missions and those who have been called to go out into the world and serve. Jenna, Lauren, and Logan were each commissioned for their respective missions. Over one hundred students came once their name was called to stand before the conference attendees; each was dedicated to the place they have been sent to serve. Logan Sweet, commissioned to go to South Asia, said that he “felt very honored and humbled to have this amazing opportunity to go and serve in another country.”
Ultimately, the conference served as a reminder of God’s love for every attendee.