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Behind the Play

This spring, BMCU put on a play called Rev Riding in the Hood written by Pastor Joseph Parker of American Family Radio and co-authored by Elizabeth Parker. This play features a wonderful cast including Blue Mountain Christian University students Hannah Wilson, Giana Curosi, Lily-Ann Smith, and Johnathan Hitt along with community members Moriah Addison, Sam-Witt Addison, Kingslee Hendrix, Vivian Mitchell, and Joseph Parker.


We went backstage to talk with some of the cast and crew to see how they enjoyed working on this play. While their responses varied based on personal experiences, everyone talked about how much fun they had working with each other. Other experiences were much more personal, especially when it involved exploring uncharted, risky territory with their acting.


Lily Smith talked with us about her experiences playing a grandmother. She joked, “My favorite parts of the play are the scenes I am in” and laughed that one of her favorite scenes was “the part where I got to hit the thug because he tried to rob my house.” When we asked how the play had enabled her to grow closer to God, Lily responded, “It made me think about life [from] other perspectives and how God is constantly working.”  Lily stated that this play “definitely made me step out of my comfort zone.”


Johnathan Hitt talked with us about his experiences playing a thug. Hitt’s favorite part of working on this play was that “we are all Christians [participating in] the glorifying of God.” His favorite scene was the redemption scene because “You can see someone’s life turn around due to God working.”  Hitt was a bit uncertain when it came to playing a thug. He claimed to be “bad at being bad” because the thug lifestyle was so far outside of his personal experience. In spite of this, Hitt took the role because he felt it allows God to use him as “a tool of ministry” even if it was in an unconventional way.


The director Christi Mitchell explained that prayer played a large role in her decision to choose this play. Mrs. Mitchell referred to the play as “convicting, provoking, and faith-affirming.” She enthused that she was “thrilled to collaborate” with Pastor Parker, who was starring in the production in addition to his role as co-author.  The partnership between Blue Mountain Christian University and the Parkers has yielded a production to remember.



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