Through the Wardrobe

Blue Mountain College’s Department of Fine Arts invites you to join them this spring on a journey to the magical realm of Narnia. The theatre department strives to present the school with quality performances every semester, and the spring production promises to carry on the tradition. With bickering beavers, charming children, and a wicked witch, this musical version of the classic story The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe has something for every audience member.
While the script is a heavily-condensed version of the original novel by C.S. Lewis, scriptwriter Jules Tasca has done a noteworthy job in converting the beloved story into a stage performance. The songs, written by Ted Drachman and composed by Thomas Tierney, are equally well-written and will greatly appeal to the audience.
But as with any performance, it is the cast and crew who will truly make the show memorable. Mrs. Christi Mitchell, the director of the show, is very excited about this year’s production. BMC’s chorale is heading to Ireland this summer, and Mrs. Mitchell felt that a story written by Irish-born Lewis would be a nice form of support. Though things like costuming and the set will pose an interesting challenge, she is confident that her teammates Blake and Donna McGaughy will bring the story to life in an amazing way. We can definitely expect some creative set changes and a healthy helping of glitter.
The main theme for this performance will be the redemption one finds in Jesus. A central character in the story is Edmund Pevensie, the only Pevensie child to side with the evil White Witch. But when he meets the good king Aslan, he begins to change. This is a pivotal moment in the story and one that Mrs. Mitchell intends to highlight. “That’s what Jesus can do for people,” she said; “change you from the inside out.”
Auditions for the musical took place on January 25th. There was a great turnout, from seasoned theatre majors to debut actors. Rehearsals have already started, and the actors and director alike are working hard to make this an excellent show.

“The whole story is basically an allegory leading up to the crucifixion of Christ,” said Benjamin Mann, who plays Aslan. “I hope I portray that part so that it reflects Christ to those out there watching.” As the White Witch, Chloe Crider hopes the audience learns that redemption can be found; “Just not in Turkish Delight,” she added with a laugh. Finally, Declan Lowell is excited to be playing his first real lead role as Edmund Pevensie, and he hopes to communicate the importance of not being a brat.
Audience members of every age group will be captivated by the powerful message, the beautiful songs, and the exceptional acting in this performance. The show dates are set for March 25-28, so mark your calendars and step through the wardrobe into a land where lives really do change.