Honoring a Legacy

Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”
Every year in January, Blue Mountain College dismisses classes for a day to honor the life and actions of Martin Luther King, Jr. Instead of staying home to catch up on sleep or binge watch Netflix, many students meet together on campus and then disperse themselves among the community, helping in any way that they’re able. Whether they’re just cleaning up trash, helping with repairs, or simply volunteering at charities, all students serve.
Our Sports Information Director Brett Fowler played a big role in the organization of this year’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on campus. When I asked him about why we celebrate the holiday by participating in service projects, he said, “Dr. King is certainly remembered for his work in civil rights, but at the heart of his influence was his hope in mankind’s servanthood. He understood God created every individual in His image, so he had a higher understanding of how we should treat one another.” He continued, “Here at BMC, we celebrate his legacy by serving others. Those service opportunities, which includes visiting residents of assisted living homes, performing yard work for the disabled, cleaning homes of the elderly and many others, provide us with an outlet to let others know we love them and are here for them as needed.”
When I asked Fowler what his favorite part of the service day was, he smiled, “My personal favorite part of MLK Day of Service is hearing the stories of the ones we have served. They are always so grateful and appreciative, because they know we love them. Added to that is how our students, faculty and staff enjoy serving with each other. We gather on that morning to go out, and literally everyone is smiling and eager to serve. That makes me so grateful to be a part of the BMC community.”
MLK Day has come and passed for the year. Not every student was able to attend due to the business of life. However, it’s important to remember that, while MLK day is an important one, it isn’t our only opportunity to serve our communities. Instead, it’s a day meant to inspire and encourage selfless acts throughout the year. Whether you participate through the BSU, a society, or a club, everyone has a chance to serve.
We can all honor Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy by doing what we can every single day to serve our community.