Hearts Made New

2019 Campus Revival
Previously, our school hosted a two-day revival here at Blue Mountain. The speaker was Dr. Ed Newton, an evangelist from San Antonio, Texas. He was raised by two deaf parents and struggled through school. Ed finally made it to college where he struggled even more. He found his wife in college and they now are raising beautiful children.
On Monday during the regular chapel time, Ed really focused on the Lord’s Prayer. He broke down what it was telling us. One thing he told us was that God is our father. He expressed to us that Jesus is personal, and he has adopted you into his family. God is also king. He is our father and our source of comfort and peace, but he is still our king.
While he was preaching, he said to us, “When it comes to serving God, it is not about your ability but your availability.” God is also our provider. We do not need to worry about the things in tomorrow because we serve a God who is already in tomorrow. The last three things that Ed informed us about is that the Lord is our forgiver, our leader, and our deliverer.
Monday night, Ed took a different turn. He talked about what God’s love does for us. “God’s provision will meet you where you are.” His first point was that God’s love chases. Even after we fail (sometimes more than once), God still chases after us. If we love someone, we will chase after them. God does the same for us. He is always for us. Love also convicts. We serve a God that still loves and pursues us through our failures, even if we do not love him with our all. While Ed was talking about this point, he said, “Be honest with God. He already knows.”
The last point he spoke on was that “Love calls.” God takes our broken pieces and makes us into something bigger and better. Ed related this point to the time that Peter denied the Lord not once, but three times. Ed expressed, “Forgiveness is a powerful reminder that God’s mercy is new every day and sometimes we fail to see it. We need to just take a step in his direction and remind ourselves of his kindness.”
God really moved during these two days on our campus. Dr. Newton really shared what God laid on his heart. We had 14 students pray to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. That is 14 new brothers and sisters in Christ.
If you did not have a chance to attend this year's revival, I do encourage you to next year!