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BMC Days Gone By

Blue Mountain students in the Daily Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, MS on December 12, 1938 singing early in the morning.

Many things have changed since BMC began over 100 years ago, and many of these things have been lost to time, unknown to most, if not all, in living memory. Some of these traditions, clubs, and classes, however, had a tremendous impact on the student body and its administration, and should be considered for the future.


When Blue Mountain College began in 1873, it had only 50 female students. However, their class load was impressive, teaching classes that aren’t even taught at BMC today. Some classes, like astronomy and meteorology, English history, Roman history, and Grecian history are rolled into one or another broader classes, but having them unseparated causes these sections and periods to be largely overlooked and missed. Having them as separate classes would allow a more in depth look, spreading it out over a semester instead of a couple days.

Home Economics used to be a major at BMC, but now there aren’t any “home ec” classes taught. Home Economics, also taught in some high schools, teaches cooking, sewing, childcare, homecare, and money management. While some may think that this is an unnecessary class, it teaches many valuable skills, for men and women.

Besides Spanish and Greek, the college used to teach Latin and French as well, which gave students a greater understanding of the world, as they were required to take all language classes. While students should not have to take all language classes, they should have a greater freedom in choosing, making at least French an obvious choice to include in classes.


Societies used to have cheerleaders, and they cheered for the intramural sports, but not only that, they cheered during Rush Week for the newest members. While sports do not only happen in the Fall semester, the primary functions of the cheerleaders were during Rush.

Society cheerleaders should be reintroduced, as they were a staple at so many events, raising school spirit and making those new to the campus feel welcome.

Around Campus

Something else students on campus enjoyed was Spirit Week. While this has not been the far-reaching past, it is still an event students and teachers alike looked forward to, and now miss. It was the week of Homecoming, and each day had a theme. Students were encouraged to dress up on those days, fitting the theme of the day. “Spirit Week” is used across the nation in middle and high schools, as well as colleges. It is a fun way to get the students involved and build camaraderie on campus, but also, to have fun.

Students also had formal dinners, where they gathered in their fanciest attire, put on short theatrical productions, and had great fellowship and food. These formal dinners were separated by class, with the class officers in charge, and they were a staple on campus for many years, until the recent past.

BMC used to have a school physician, as well. She, or he, was generally a nurse on hand for student and faculty maladies, and while there are many colleges and universities who have an entire medical staff on campus, BMC no longer does.

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