Hasta La Vista, Honea.

It is with mixed emotions that the students of BMC see Dr. Kendal Honea of the exercise science department off after many long years of service to this college. On the one hand, we will miss his enthusiasm, sarcasm, and dedication to his students. He has been a phenomenal teacher (and friend!) to students majoring in his field, and an inspiration to many outside of it, like myself.
On the other hand, however, this is a blessing that has been a long time in coming, and we cannot allow ourselves to be so sad at his leaving that we forget to be happy for him too. Everyone who knows him knows that Dr. Honea has struggled with missing his family for a long time, while his sweet daughter Macy had to be content with her father spending most of his time several states away. This change means that Dr. Honea can finally be with his family, and as much as BMC will miss him, we have to remember that there are people who have missed him more for a very long time.
Dr. Honea will be returning home to his family in Rogers, Arkansas. When asked what is next for him, he said that he won’t be looking to take another teaching position right away. “I’m going to go home. And I’m going to put my family second, and God first. My priorities have been messed up for a while now; this is my chance to put them right.”
BMC will not be the same without you, Dr. Honea, but we hope you won’t be the same either. As much as we love you exactly as you are, we hope that you will grow, change for the better, and become more yourself as God intended you to be with each passing day. At the same time, we won’t forget you, and we hope that your memories from BMC will be something you can always treasure
So…Farewell, old friend. Bon Voyage. Journey safe, and God be with you.