Pancakes and Pajamas

Blue Mountain College’s Women’s ministry group, Koinonia, met in the bottom of the BSU building for their second annual Pancakes in Pajamas event.
The group gathered Thursday, April 11th, with an impressive pancake buffet - complete with traditional topping such as butter and syrup, as well as the wilder options of Nutella, sprinkles and whipped cream. To complete the relaxed environment, each young lady came comfortably clad in her favorite sleepwear, which typically included some form of oversized t-shirt and pajama bottoms.
Koinonia is defined as the Greek word for fellowship, and as the name implies the group functions as a weekly gathering of Christian women to fellowship with one another under the common banner of Christ. Weekly meetings are attended by both women actively working in the ministry and those simply seeking accountability and encouragement from fellow believers. All are welcome and accepted with open arms.

Full of laughter and pancakes, everyone settled at their tables for a devotion led by Koinonia President and Senior, Sarah Ward. Sarah used her past three years of experience at Blue Mountain to outline the truths the Lord had revealed to her. Each year was highlighted by a spiritual truth followed by discussion time among tables, keeping with Koinonia’s theme for the year: spiritual growth.
Sarah described freshman year as a spiritual breaking point, highlighting it with the verse Exodus 14:14: “The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still.”
Sophomore year for Sarah Ward was defined as stepping out on faith, as she traveled to China on missions. She described this as the time that the Lord gave her a heart for the lost.
She described Junior year as a struggle of feeling rejected by others, following with a passage from Psalms 118:22 that states, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.”
The night came to a close with everyone full of pancakes and fellowship. While Koinonia has ended for the year, the fall semester will soon be upon us, along with new opportunities to get involved. We have a yearly service projects as well as good news lunches, where we have opportunities to share a hot meal and the gospel with individuals in the community. We strongly encourage anyone and everyone to come and join for unique fellowship and ministry opportunities, as we seek to go encourage one another as sisters in Christ.