BMC Girls Prep for Pledge

Catch Some Z’s
Throughout the week, freshmen girls have been bombarded with rush week activities and parties thrown by Euzelians, Eunomians, and Modenians, alike.
Tuesday night was taken by the Euzelians, who opted for a pajama party theme, inviting all incoming students to put their best fuzzy slipper forward. Staying true to the sleepover theme, the Zs went all out with a cereal buffet, doughnuts, and, of course, the society’s secret punch.
The evening captured the essence of what it means to be a Euzelian. The Z motto, “Creating a culture of kindness with poise and power,” was highlighted throughout the night as members welcomed newcomers from various walks of life. Inclusion -a byproduct of kindness- seems to be a major pillar of the Z lifestyle; every student is greeted with warmth and unwavering acceptance.
Euzelian athletic director and sophomore, Cayce Smith shared her thoughts on the experience, “I was glad to see we had a great turnout of both new and old students. No one was left out! The majority of people stayed the entire time just dancing and socializing.” Smith laughed, “We even had people not wanting to leave after it was over!”
After a night of dancing and becoming better acquainted with their potential Euzelian sisters, prospective pledges left the Student Union Building on cloud nine, all smiles with a touch of sugar high.
Euno We’re Family
This year when you’re homesick or feeling down, the Eunomians want to be your on-campus family, a sisterhood of girls who are ready to step up and cheer you on! At the Eunomian rush party on Monday, August 20, there was a “Full House” of fabulous 90’s fashion, fantastic sing-along music, and famous Eunomian punch.
Dr. Teague, our new Eunomian sponsor, graciously started off the night with an inspiring speech to the returning Eunomians, stating, “It is rewarding to know that our society still stands for quality — that our membership is characterized by humility and quiet confidence.” The Eunomian Council, after taking time to introduce themselves and share their reasons for becoming daisies themselves, also took time to make it clear that the Eunomians are more excited than ever to grow as sisters this year and welcome new daisies to the family!
After a bash including pizza, punch and picture-taking, potential pledges were able to experience the long-time tradition of the Eunomian barn dance under the fairy lights. As everyone knows, laughter is the best medicine for a long day studying, even when you’re out of breath from do-si-do-ing! But true Eunomians never get tired and never take rests (or so we claim).
Of course, Eunomians might be loud, and we’re plenty proud of that, but a real daisy values the confidence she has from knowing her sisters are on her side.

Movie Time with the Mo’s
On Thursday night, August 23, the Modenian society put on a real show stopper with their cinema-themed rush party! Students came dressed to the nines in their best red carpet attire, or dressed as characters from their favorite films. Highlights of the night included minute-to-win-it games where students battled it out in various competitions on stage, and an actual red carpet to take photos on. Students who attended enjoyed pizza, candy, and other refreshments. Potential pledges and returning students alike showed off their moves dancing to a unique playlist which included shuffles, songs from movies, and a lot of fun contemporary music.
Society president Whitney Bullard wanted to encourage all new students to pledge wherever they felt led. “When I first came to Blue Mountain, I didn’t see any real reason to pledge. Let me tell you, it was the best decision I ever made! I’ve found some of my best friends with the Mo’s.”
The Modenian society focuses on the uniqueness of their members and the importance of being original. Their verse is Proverbs 31:10, and their flower is the rose. Some of their favorite activities include tea parties, reading great books, and just spending time getting to know and love one another. As the smallest girls' society, Modenians are proud of the opportunity to enjoy closer fellowship with each other.
Society Fellowship
While any of these societies would be proud to welcome new pledges into their midst, one thing that is always stressed is inter-society relationship and support. Wherever students decide to pledge, they will be welcomed into a family of girls eager to befriend them, and all three societies will work together to create an atmosphere of sisterhood and lasting friendship.