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Bonds of Brotherhood: Rush for Men’s Societies

The last issue of The Beacon included an article on the women’s societies rush. Now we turn our attention to the other half of the student body and the men’s societies.


For their rush, the EK's hosted a game of Ultimate Frisbee and then held a party in Cockcroft with Buffalo Wild Wings and coffee punch. Students were invited to hang out and play video games until the crowd slowly dispersed.

The President of the Ekklesian society, Jacob Riley, described the overall atmosphere as “very EK- boisterous, energetic, and guys just having fun and being themselves.”

The EK’s had a total of 18 new pledges this year. Their plans for the semester include possibly hosting an all-star game as a fundraising event and community project, participating in intramural games, and most importantly, “finding ways to strengthen our fellowship and brotherhood in a way that honors Christ and is consistent with our busy schedules.”


The Bereans' Rush Night featured a campus-wide game of Capture the Flag and a cookout with grilled wings, hamburgers, and more. The Berean President Luke Romine said that “Overall, it was very laid back, inviting and incredibly fun. Also, sweaty.”

Romine also provided some anecdotes from the party. “Some funny things that happened were Cason Montcrief, commonly known as 'Art of War,' showed off his nunchaku skills, and we sang happy birthday to Seth Pierce.”

The Bereans welcomed 24 new pledges into the fold. Their plans for this semester include Berean Days out, where society members will all take a day off and go somewhere to have some fun. Video game tournaments are also on the agenda.

Lastly, Romine stated, “I want people to know that the Berean Society and our counsel are working to create a stronger network of activities and events to allow students to get involved with in their free time. This includes trips, trivia nights and much more. We also want the guys’ societies to become a de facto Christian Brotherhood for all the guys on campus. We want them to be able to be comfortable with coming together and having fellowship with one another in Christ’s name.”

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