BMC Participates in Operation Christmas Child

Every year since 1993, Operation Christmas Child through the Samaritan’s Purse touches the lives of thousands of children around the world. Most students are familiar with the process, but for those new to the Operation, a few directions have been included below.
Those familiar with the Operation should be aware of a few changes implemented this year. The donation needed to cover the shipping cost is now $9. Toothpaste and candy are no longer allowed.
First, find an average-size shoebox, either cardboard or plastic. If you want to wrap it to make it more festive, wrap the lid and box separately.
Then decide if you want to pack a box for a girl or a boy and decide on the age category. Those age categories are 2-4, 5-9, and 10-14. Be sure to correctly label your box.
Finally, fill your box with gifts, including one “wow” item of medium to large size like a soccer ball with a pump or a stuffed animal. Remember to include a few hygiene items, like a comb and a toothbrush, and school supplies. Just remember that toothpaste is no longer allowed.
National Collection Week is November 13-20. Students can drop their shoeboxes off on campus at Lowrey Memorial Baptist Church.
Build Your Box Online
If you’re running short on time, the Samaritan’s Purse website allows you to fill a shoebox digitally and pay online with a debit or credit card. You can choose items to include from a wide selection. This would save a lot of time for busy students preparing for finals.