Of Baptists and Banquets
BMC Hosts Its Annual CRV Banquet Blue Mountain College hosted its annual Christian-Related Vocation (CRV) Banquet on September 16th. Held...

The Choice
BMC Pledge night is a night to be remembered. Pledges gather at the MLB auditorium to prepare for their entry into one of our campus’s...

A Church Family Away from Home
Blue Mountain Baptist, along with other area churches, have services specifically for college students. Students at Blue Mountain College...

Everyman with a Twist
The Blue Mountain Theatre Department held the production of Everyman 2.0 on September 30th – October 2nd in Garett Hall Auditorium, based...

Dr. Connor Fisher: New English Faculty
With BMC being a small college in a small community, people get to know one another and get used to seeing each other rather quickly, so...

Jerrell Howell: New Coach on Campus
Jerrell Howell is the new BMC powerlifting coach and baseball strength & conditioning coach. I asked him what makes BMC different...

Chapel Makes a Comeback
On October 6, 2021, all students received the email that Chapel would make a full-fledged return to the way that it had been before...

BMC Curiosities
Blue Mountain College is a bit of a historical mystery for a multitude of reasons, like its being in operation since 1873, being a...